Thursday, June 20, 2013

Here are the winners from our first photo session. The students were asked to go out and take photos around the school, to see what they could produce, as a beginning activity.
Below you can see Bianca's photo of our vegetable garden. She is Year 6, Room 20. Cooper is in Year 6 Room 15 and he took the excellent action shot of Flynn about to kick a great shot playing soccer.
Bianca's Vegetable Garden Photo - voted Best Photo by the Camera Club students
 Cooper's great action shot of Flynn playing soccer.

Saturday, June 1, 2013


We had our first official meeting on Thursday 27 May at lunchtime. About 15 students attended.

Some students brought their own cameras, but most borrowed one of the school cameras.
After a brief introduction, the students went out to see what photos they could take around the school to show their level of ability. They seemed to enjoy themselves,  returning to save their images at the end of the session.

Homework is to pick out their best images to share with the group next time.
That should give us some shots to post here for everyone to see.

Mr Meachem